Monday, September 16, 2013


Alisa is out of surgery.  The doctor said everything went really well. He said they were able to get all the tumor out and he was able to find a couple of nerves and avoid cutting them.

Alisa will probably need to do some physical therapy, in order to strengthen some muscles and get some range of motion back.  There is also a strong possibility that she will have lymphedema in her arm because of the large tumor it was affecting her lymph nodes.

She won't be doing any push-ups in the near future, which is devastating, she is obsessed with doing push-ups.

She is not in pain yet, but is pretty nauseous.  They have given her about every drug available for nausea, including some aroma therapy.

She mostly keeps talking about the pain she is going to be in, when the drugs finally wear off, I think she is a little too familiar with how drugs work. "its gonna hurt", sleep, "its gonna hurt", sleep, etc.

I was expecting something like this when she got out of surgery, no such luck.  Should I be offended?



  1. Thanks for the update Josh. Keep them coming. You guys are in our prayers.

  2. I'm glad everything went well. Thanks for keeping us updated. I'm sorry you didn't get the same response that wife in the video did Josh, but I'm sure Alisa feels that way about you when see's off drugs! :-)

  3. Good update Josh! Keep em coming. You all are in our prayers!

  4. I am glad things went well, I am sad about the push ups :( Thanks for updating Josh, I cannot even imagine how this is for you. Your such a great guy and I am sure Alisa knows all of this all too well, she knows way too much. I am sending my prayers and thoughts your way.

  5. Thank you so much for the update! So glad they were able to get it all out! Praying for you guys!

  6. Those push-up...she will have a tough time giving those up I'm sure.
    Thanks for making my day. Glad all went well. Recovery time!

  7. Thanks for the update Josh! Thinking and praying for you guys always. I love that you's true what another commenter said...she feels that way about you when she's not high :).

  8. I am so happy the surgery went well. I have been thinking of you guys all day! I'm glad to hear he was able to avoid some of those nerves. We are praying she heals up quickly! Tell her how much fun I had seeing her the other day. She didn't even seem the least bit nervous about today... she is one amazing lady! Thanks for the updates Josh. And I think your pretty amazing too :)!

  9. So glad it went well. Been keeping tabs on you guys and Alisa's news. Sorry you didn't get that kind of reaction...that was hilarious! Hope things continue to look good. We are praying for your family.

  10. Thanks for the update Josh! So glad it all went well!!!!!!
