Tuesday, October 8, 2013

stay at home mom

Three weeks at home!!  I think that's a first since May.  I have not wanted to go anywhere.  Not even the grocery store.

And I feel great.  The fatigue I had from the PD-1 seems to have disappeared.  Tomorrow I have an appointment with the lympedema clinic to get a compression sleeve for my arm and hand so I can start exercising again (impossible lately with the large tumor, and then with the swelling once the tumor was gone).

For a couple of weeks things have felt quite normal.  Making jam, volunteering at the school, organizing my house, soccer games, piano practice, church, friends, family dinners.  Normal is wonderful.  This break has been very good for my spirits.

Next week we should have a better idea if this Seattle trial will be an option.  Even if it is, we will need to decide if that is the next step or if we want them to just freeze those cells for future use.  I suppose we will be scanning soon to see what's happening.  I don't have any more palpable tumors, so I can't really predict how that will go.  I don't have any pain, so it can't be that bad. 

Thank you all for your kindness and encouragement.  I'm starting to believe the best way to learn these two virtues is to be the recipient of them.  I should be an expert by now.


  1. I am very happy that you have been blessed with a little respite. We continue to pray for good news! You really deserve some!! You are very inspirational to me!

    1. Kat! I would give you my respite any day of the week. You are the inspirational one here. Hugs.

  2. Glad things are feeling normal around your house! And happy you've had some time at home enjoying that cute family of yours. Normal is wonderful!! Hope decisions come easily in the next few weeks. Always thinking of ya!

    1. Thanks for everything Lindsay. You are one of the most thoughtful people I have ever met. Glad to have you around all these years. :)

  3. You are an expert. Enjoy your time off! You deserve lots of normal.

    1. We need Blodgetts at our house for things to be normal. Can the Blodgetts play? All day long...

  4. Prayers continue from us. I just continually find you to be so strong. Keep it up woman! You and your family are blessed and are LOVED! (Also, I love that you are friends with Melanie, she is one my dearest...:) )

    1. Melanie is my new neighbor, already she is a favorite. Take care of that stylish family of yours. :)

  5. I loved reading this post! I think about you all of the time and am so glad to see that some normalcy has returned. You are truly amazing. Kallee and I were just talking about how you continue to amaze us. Love you dear friend!

  6. Yay for normal! You are so awesome. If you do end up in Seattle you better believe I'm going to come visit my nanny!

    1. I'll take that as a promise!!!! I will put that on the pro list for the Seattle trial. :)

  7. Best mom ever - I want to taste your jam.

    1. Raspberries from Paradise are the secret ingredient. Hope you are well Emilie!
