Monday, October 24, 2011

scan week

The blog has been neglected lately. I thought I would be better at keeping it up with the kids in school, but it hasn't helped much. Hopefully I can start making time for it. I just posted about Steven's chemo completion. We celebrated this weekend with a lovely trip to Yellowstone that I will have to share ASAP.

This week Steven and I have our every 3 month scans. Steven's are tomorrow and mine are on Friday. I haven't had much time to stress about it. There are certainly some moments of panic when I think about how everything could change so quickly. But mostly, I just want to get them over with and enjoy the holiday season until we have to do this all over again. I am trying to read into the fact that the same day we get results (the 2nd) we fly out to Disney World to play while Josh attends a conference. Hoping it will be another celebration trip!


  1. We are praying to hear good results from both of you. It was fun to see you guys.

  2. I hope it will be a celebration too. You'll have to post soon after you hear results because I will be here holding my breath until then.

    Yes, post pictures and a report of Yellowstone soon. It sounds like fun.

  3. Sending you all my prayers and healthy thoughts this week!

  4. Will be thinking of you today! Hoping for the best!!

  5. Thinking of you today Alisa and sending healthy thoughts your way. I can't think of a better way to celebrate!

  6. Can't wait to play with you guys in Disney! Our kids were beyond elated when we told him about the trip on Sunday, but Trev was MORE excited when we told him the cousins were coming too! Praying for good news for you.
