Wednesday, May 22, 2013

right now

It's happening!!!


  1. Yay! So happy that it worked out. Is the insurance co. being cooperative?
    Now, do you have time to go take a nap on the beach? I sure hope so!

  2. So, so happy for you, you continue to be an inspiration to me!

  3. Hi Alisa - It was a pleasure sharing the flight from Tampa with you yesterday. Your story is amazing and I wish you continued success. My thougths are with you and your family.


  4. This is good news... I hope it continues, and I totally agree with everything you said in the last post. Man, you are an amazing woman and Josh an incredible guy. I am glad you two are together and that you are fighters! You can do this. No, heartbreak needed.

  5. Just catching up on everything. Glad things are moving forward! Hope you're feeling the strength to continue on as strong as you have been doing all this time. You're awesome!
