Monday, February 9, 2015

BioChemo Cycle #2

So we made it to the hospital this morning and everything checked out ok for Alisa to start another cycle of BioChemo.  We will be here through Friday (at least).

Alisa doesn't remember much of the last time we were here.  In fact, she doesn't remember much of January.

The inflammation in her lung was some random virus (or something) that Dr. Grossman didn't think was very serious, but needs to be treated with some very specific antibiotics, which she started today.

Dr. Grossman basically started today by telling us that there are some risks with this round of chemo.  Starting chemotherapy with an infection, not recommended.  Starting chemo while not in the best of health, not ideal.  But he also said, the bigger risk is the tumor, and we need to attack it with everything we have.  So here we go.

 - Josh


  1. I'm hoping and praying for the best for you this time around. You are both so tough--if anyone can do this, you can!

  2. Wow there isn't much to say to that. You are in our thoughts and prayers. You have been so tough so blessed to know you both love Suzanne

  3. I didn't realize you guys would be back at the hospital so soon. Hoping this cycle goes according to plan and blasts that tumor! Praying always for you guys.

  4. prayers for strength, you sound like your in good hands. Again thanks for the post. I hope you know how much everyone cares about your family Josh and Alisa!

  5. Sending love from Sego Lily. We think about you constantly and give each other updates. You and your family are amazing and we will keep praying for you!

  6. I'll be thinking of you guys all week. Hope it all goes smoothly. Thanks for the posts Josh!

  7. Praying for cancer-fighting cells this week!

  8. That's good to hear they figured out what was going in with Alisas lungs! Hopefully the antibiotics will take care of the infection and the chemo will take care of the tumor! Lots of prayers as always!

  9. Although Alisa doesn't remember much from January, it is good that you are documenting things, Josh, so that she can look back and realize all she has conquered.
