Friday, May 11, 2012

IL2 - Round 5 - Update 3.5

I spoke too soon.

Apparently Alisa is not quite crazy enough.  She is getting another does this morning and potentially one more tonight, we will see.

The doctor did explain that the reason we are getting more doses is because they understand a little better what her body can handle.


  1. Wow, go for it. Death to the tumors!

  2. Makes me think of alisa's post on limits. She's a tough cookie.

  3. Such a strong and determined girl. Keep up the fight Alisa, you amaze more and more.

  4. Her body can handle more than anyone I know.

  5. She is pretty incredible! Prayers coming her way!!! Thanks for the updates Josh!

  6. Thanks for all the updates, Josh. You are all continually in all of our prayers.

  7. Thanks for the updates. No patient ever had a more attentive husband.

  8. Just got caught up on your blog this morning, been thinking about you and your family so much lately and we really do add you guys to our prayers every day! LOVE you guys! You guys simply amaze me!
