Friday, April 6, 2012

just another ordinary miracle

Second cycle complete. Thank goodness. This was not a favorite. We spent the week watching heart rhythms, beating down fevers, measuring outputs, tossing cookies, balancing electrolytes, and worrying about blood pressures.

This afternoon my Nurse Practitioner went over the usual discharge questions, then asked sincerely, "How are you?" I sighed. Nauseous, bloated, a little confused, fluid in my lungs, sleep deprived, and a mouth full of thrush. A week of hell behind me. Not to mention the heart that had been racing for a week, and has carried a huge burden for the last few months. But honestly? "I will be okay." "You know I have never seen subcutaneous lesions disappear as quickly as your did?" She looked me straight in the eye, "It's a miracle your melanoma tumors are shrinking."

I guess I heard the same thing, in a different way as we drove out of the parking garage into the the sunshine. Everything was so lovely! Spring has slipped into the valley. White and blue mountains, green grass, billowy clouds, and bulbs bursting out some color. By habit I reached up to feel the tumor on my neck. But there is nothing there now.

There are two ways to live your life - one is as though nothing is a miracle, the other is as though everything is a miracle. Albert Einstein

So glad to be home. I did write a few posts last week that I am waiting to get some pictures for. Life is very kind to us, truly.


  1. Alisa you are truly an inspiration!!! Thanks for posting the updates, and glad another week of treatment is behind you!

  2. I don't know how to say this but I believe your cancer has been a blessing to us all. A reminder of what we believe in and a strength of Faith, Courage, and endurance. I'm so bless to live a couple doors down.
    p.s. Might bring you a surprise dinner next week (another Trini special).

  3. It truly is a miracle! I am so glad you got to come home.

  4. Miracles and hope abound and I'm so happy for you. Have a blessed Easter, Alisa...

  5. such great news! im so happy to hear this alisa. love you!

  6. I'm going with "everything is a miracle," and I'm so glad you're witnessing one in your own life. So glad!

  7. miracles are awesome! Love you Alisa!

  8. You are such an inspiration!!! I'm so glad you are sharing this. It's seriously making me want to be a better person and live every day different and as if it my last. You are amazing. Thanks for sharing! Prayers are with you each and every day. Miracles do happen :)

  9. Hang in there girl your doing it and you will be glad in the long wrong

  10. Oh Alisa, I'm so happy you're back home. May many many more miracles find you.

  11. I should have come to watch the rhythms!! I'm sorry I haven't been in tune, I should have been there to relieve your fears about your heart!
    I got a full body chill when I read your nurse practitioners words. I love miracles! And good riddance to that twin of your in your neck!

  12. Wear your hair up and show off your neck.
    You are beautiful.

  13. I'm so glad your tumors are shrinking, and miracles are happening!!! You are such a fighter, and so strong. xo

  14. Wow, you are truly amazing. I am so grateful for these miracles. You are such a blessing and example to so many. I wish I was closer to your sweet family. We all miss you and love you. If only there were more people in the world like you. (and josh!)
