Thursday, January 29, 2015

Home - Finally

It looks like we are going home today!

I am pretty excited.  We probably won't get out of here until the afternoon or evening, but I am  already packing up our stuff.

Her pain has continued to get better and I am confident we can work on the nausea at home as well as we can do it in the hospital.

We will be back in Feb 9th for another week of bio-chemotherapy.

Thanks for all your help and thoughts and prayers.


  1. Hot dog!!!! Ps: grab my jacket too, ok? 😳

  2. Best news all month! Yay!! Loves!!

  3. Oh good. That is what I was hoping for when I checked here.

  4. Yeah! You both survived! Good job.

  5. Oh, yay! We're so glad! Keep the updates coming. We think of you daily and are always checking for new posts.

  6. So glad you get to come home!

  7. Wow I am so glad you are going home, such a relief for you all. Praying for all good things for you all. love Suzanne
