Thursday, July 17, 2014

Our decision to move forward with TIL

Just wanted to write down some details of our stressful decision.

When we got the word of progression from our last scans the doctor said my best options were the TIL trial or the Braf drugs.  I have always said no to the braf drugs until I absolutely need them (they usually work well, but for a short period of time).  The doctor thought we could try surgically removing the tumors after the BRAF had shrunk them, or start on something else like AntiPD-1 (the drug I got in Florida that will be FDA approved this fall) before the braf started to fail.

I said for sure we do the TIL.  And then we got going with the process.  The insurance denied coverage.  We appealed, they denied again.  We got an estimate for our cost as self pay.  One hundred and eighty nine thousand dollars.  Best case scenario.

So we wrestled with that a bunch.  With questions like "What would that kind of money do for hungry children in the world?"  I think I made peace with the enormous amount thinking anyone would use whatever he had to save his family member.

 p.s. I created the title (Josh) so forgive the lack of creativity.  my job was to get the video uploaded


  1. Another miracle Alisa! We will be praying non stop in Oregon for you... for the miracle of your cure, for minimal side effects from the chemo, for your family back home... for your doctors, for your amazing husband, and your overall strength and comfort. God bless you... wishing you a good night! With love and gratitude, Gretchen

  2. amazing! such well-deserved luck. thinking of you all the way. much love from us, emilie

  3. First of all, you're worth way more than $189,000. Second, you definitely made the right decision, and third, you must know that your Heavenly Father has got you covered in this. What a great miracle. Your Dad told me about it late last night and I offered up many prayers of thanks and went to bed with a big smile on my face. Thanks for the video. I will be watching for upsdates. I love you.

  4. It's good to see your face. I believe in miracles! So so thankful for the ones that happen to you.

  5. I'm just bawling for you guys. How awesome. You've got this!

  6. What??!! This is just amazing! What a relief this must be... I totally got a lump into throat and teared up. So many tender mercies. Heavenly Father is there with you every step of the way. Can't wait to hear about the many more miracles ahead! And on a side note, how does one look so pretty through so much stress? You are amazing!!

  7. Prayers are being answered!! Best news I've heard in a long time. Good luck with the chemo this week. You so got this, Alisa!!!

  8. Hallelujah!! I am so thrilled for you and Josh. Hang in there, girly!

  9. Miraculous. I am so happy that this concern is resolved and you can put your full effort into fighting!

  10. Love love love. Makes me think of D&C 123:17 "Therefore, dearly beloved brethren, let us cheerfully do all things that lie in our power; and then may we stand still, with the utmost assurance, to see the salvation of God, and for his arm to be revealed."

  11. Oh Happy Day! "Be still my soul". He is totally aware and hears and answers prayers. Love you guys!

  12. This is fantastic! Go! Fight! Win! We love you so and pray for many more miracles in your journey!

  13. Wow! What a miracle! We pray for you all the time. Your path is being led! Keep up the fight!

  14. You give me chills everytime i read. You are amazing!!

  15. Scott and I are crying tears of gratitude for this change. I believe in miracles. You, Josh and your boys are such a blessing in so many lives ��

  16. Love this video, love you! The middle of the night viewing is WAY better for effect. You deserve every miracle! Love you dearly!
