Tuesday, February 14, 2012

IL2 - Round 2 - Update 2

Today has been quite a bit harder than last time. Alisa was never constantly sick during round 1 until Thursday.

She got her first dose of IL2 at 10:00 and has been sick/sleeping/puking since then. We have tried to get out of bed for a little walk twice, both times she has barely made it to the door before we head back for fear of her blacking out.

This is probably more information than she wanted me to give. All she said was. "This happened yesterday too???"

yep, Tuesday, same as Monday. Although they did give her some medication to keep her blood pressure from dropping every time she stood up. She has made it to the bathroom TWICE without blacking out. Three Cheers!

I have a feeling tomorrow might be much of the same


PS: She has had 4 doses so far, they are hoping to get at least 7


  1. Wow, I don't know how she does it! Or how YOU do it, Josh! Many prayers going up for you both.

  2. I cannot even begin to try to understand what it is she is going through. I imagine it's hard being on the other end where you are at Josh! Please, Please know how much we are praying. You both rock, I just have no words and just don't know how you do it. Hugs to the both of you and your sweet little guys!

  3. I am with Jill you are both so strong I hope after thhis week no more . We want to do dinner Tue or Wed you just let us know what day is best. Put your names on the prayer roll last week and will keep it in there for you.
    Give all our Love to you and all your family

  4. Hope you can go for a walk together today.

  5. I'm glad that if she is so miserable, at least she is forgetting it. Hang in there!
